


Intelligent Flower
Lantern Festival
Zhou Bangyan
The candle flames redden with the breeze;
The lotus lanterns seem to freeze.
The sky brightens the fair and the fair the sky.
The titles are steeped in moonlight
When fleecy clouds disperse in flight,
The Moon Goddess would come down from on high.
In elegant dress appear
The southern maidens tender
With waist so slender.
The drums boom far and near,
The crowd's shadows rise and fall,
Fragrance wafts over all.
I remember the capital's lantern night:
A thousand doors overwhelmed with light,
People made merry in laughter.
From golden cabs silk handkerchiefs *ped down,
The gallants ran after
The cabs as dim dust raised by steeds in the town.
But years have passed,
Now I see only for my part
With an unfeeling heart
How time flies fast.
The cabs will not come back again
And people have sung and danced in vain.

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【正宫】鹦鹉曲 寄故人和韵

【正宫】鹦鹉曲 寄故人和韵
朝代:元代 作者:吕济民 原文: 心猿意马羁难住,举酒处记送别那《梁父》。想人生碌碌纷纷,几度落红飞雨。  【幺】瞬息间地北天南,又是便鸿书去。问多娇芳信何期?笑指到玉梅吐处。朱颜绿鬓难留住,调弄了几拙讷的儿父。算光阴咫只风波,恍着暮晴朝雨。  【幺】怎禁他地久天长,睚不过暗来明去。望桃源雾杳烟迷,梦觉也玉人那处。 ...


朝代:清代 作者:赵执信 原文: 岭路盘盘行欲迷,晚来霜霰忽凄凄。 林间风过犹兼叶,涧底寒轻已作泥。 马足蹙时疑地尽,溪云多处觉天低。 倦游莫讶惊心数,岁暮空山鸟乱啼。


朝代:宋代 作者:林逋 原文: 底处凭栏思眇然,孤山塔后阁西偏。 阴沉画轴林间寺,零落棋枰葑上田。 秋景有时飞独鸟,夕阳无事起寒烟。 迟留更爱吾庐近,只待春来看雪天。 相关赏析 赏析 林逋隐居杭州时,在西湖孤山结庐。孤山之有孤山寺,这是他常常喜欢登览的胜地。该写一个秋日的傍晚,诗人在孤山寺端上人房内饱览山上风景。诗以素淡的笔触,描绘出幽邃的景色,造成一神幽寂的意境。而这种境界,正是林...


朝代:宋代 作者:赵长卿 原文: 今夕知何夕,秋色正平分。_娥此际、底事越样好精神。已是天高气肃,那是清风洒洒,万里没纤云。把酒临风饮,酒面起红鳞。 歌一曲舞一曲,捧金樽。从他妄想,老兔憔悴正纷纷。我为桂花拚醉,明日扶头不起,颠倒白纶巾。天若知人意,夜雨莫倾盆。 作者介绍 赵长卿 赵长卿号仙源居士。江西南丰人。宋代著名词人。 宋宗室,居南丰。生平事迹不详,曾赴漕试,约宋宁宗嘉定末前...