


ZHOU Bangyan – Lyrics to the Adagio of Waves Dredging Sand
The day is leaden, wilted by frost are grasses by the shore,
Enshrouded in fog is the tower of the town.
In the field south of the town is a luxurious carriage ready to depart,
By the East Gate the farewell banquet is drawing to a close.
Swaying in front asking me to stay are drooping willows,
She wipes away her tears, and picks a sprig for me with her bare hands.
Where to have the wild geese from Hangpu flitted?
It has been long without word on where they have been.
Stirred by sentiments, before my eyes lie the expansive land and the vast sky.
As I face the chilly dew and breeze, there is no one around,
All I have with me is my sob throughout the night hours.
I say the most indelible of all is the sorrow of parting.
I haven't yet my jade cup emptied,
Pray that a cloud remnant could a waning moon over the west chamber keep.
Losing its shine is the silk lace of a worn and wrinkled quilt,
Loose is the fragrant sachet, spent is the scent.
My singing of lament goes on, so does my drumming that jags a jade pot.
Regretfully the passing of spring abides by no-one,
Against the colour of the night, on the ground scatter snowy pear blossoms.

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